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Re: Hell and Reincarnation
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Re: Hell and Reincarnation

Well I must say I was pleasantly surprised.

I always cringe when I check in to a new Forum and it has a CHRISTIANITY thread, for one finds that strangest mixtures of gobbledegook imaginable.

So it was with surprise and pleasure that I read your response to this person, for outside of the rapture position, I found your answer to be factual, kind, and exactly what a Christian SHOULD be, in seeking to help those (like each of us) who seek answers and seek them in what WE consider to be a logical (show me) approach.

After reading all of this thread, all I would add is this fundamental fact, and one which was not expressed by anyone as yet.

GOD is love all right. This much is true.

But we have entered a nicey nicey unBiblical attitude the past hundred or so years, and forgotten that GOD is also WRATH, that being another of the attributes of the GODhead.

And HIS WRATH is just as much a part of what we must endure as his love, and that, sad to say, has been taken out of most pulpits the past hundred years in an effort to be "politically correct", or to "get more members" or all of the other HUMAN efforts to aggrandize their own position, or that of their specific "church" or the like.

Since this is a fundamental part of the sin nature of humans, it should come as no surprise that in many churches today, you will be hard pressed to find JESUS, THE CHRIST preached, AND the wrath of GOD that follows those who choose to reject HIS free gift, that gift that was promised in the Garden of Eden, kept alive by the specific rituals of the early Hebrews to "look forward to the Messiah", and so forth.

And as Christians know, those promises were fulfilled to the letter with the sacrificial lamb, being Jesus, the CHRIST paying the horrible penalty for every sin ever committed, prior to and after.

It is this revelation to the spirt and the soul and the heart, that the enemies of mankind; ie, satan and his demonic hordes hate the cross, not only because it ended their legal right to harrass humans, but the CROSS is what strikes directly into the heart of those who earnestly seek answers, for each man and each woman is born with the knowledge of GOD, that HE exists, that is, and when that simple plan...that GOD himself became the sacrifice that WAS LEGALLY REQUIRED according to GOD's own laws, knees bow, tears flow, and humans are reunited with GOD through CHRIST.

That is what demons hate, what Islam hates, what ALL false religions hate today, and have hated for thousand of years, always creating COUNTERFEIT "religions", for in that way they can misdirect people AWAY FROM THE CROSS, either prior to GOD's perfect timing of the CROSS, or since.

Light and Dark, up and down, in and out, and wrath.

To deny such, and make up pretty little cutesy sermons to "tickle the ears" of people, instead of looking them in the eye and telling the WHOLE story, that wrath of GOD will follow those who reject HIS FREE GIFT, is to ill equip the army of GOD in their efforts to bring others to GLORY.

And that did NOT "go away" with the New Testament. The other laws of GOD are just in evidence and in force now, as they were then. Calvary provided the SAVIOR and ended the requirement of a BLOOD SACRIFICE (for those who confess CHRIST) that all should otherwise die.

It did not change the laws of diet , etc, just as one example, for we can readily see what kind of health exists in a nation that flaunts the dietary laws, etc.

And when this nation has exhausted the patience and time line of GOD, it will go down in history as just one more nation that had the chance to remain a "client nation" of GOD, but instead allowed wicked and satanic leadership to take their churches and their government, and twist this nation into one more Sodom in the making.

And let us remember that there was no one any closer to GOD than Daniel and his friends, but when GOD said: "enough is enough" and once again HE allowed pagan nations to overwhelm and destroy Jerusalem and the Hebrews, and take them into slavery, Daniel and his GODLY friends were shackled AND tortured right along side the most wicked sinner in the land.

Anyone who thinks that somehow GOD has changed his Wrath side, and would allow the MORE GODLY to escape his wrath over a nation gone bad, would be best served to read the entire Bible carefully and find an example of a WHOLE people being removed from horror when their nation fell.

We can find two examples of prophets being taken up, but in all other cases, not the least of which was China in this past 70 years, when Christianity swept over that nation thanks to the brave missionaries who brought that about, we find the GOD servers taken captive right along with the (more) wicked. (For we ALL are sinners, but PRAISE GOD for his SACRIFICE. Amen.

The Chinese Christians believed that they would then be taken out from any enemy or harm, but instead were slaughtered by the millions, along with other enemies of the state, during the communist period (made possible by traitors in the US government) of 1946 and following.

No, this is a positon that lacks substance, despite the infamous "trance" that Mary whatshername was in when she had her "vision", a position that was laughed at by all Christian scholars at the time, but many charlatans jumped on the bandwagon, for they saw an opportunity to appeal to the natural instinct of humans to "escape their responsibilities" and over time have built an entire movement around it.

However, that position is now crumbling, and the intellectual leadership of pure Christianity is again pursuing the original truths, little by little giving way to the original Reformation position of Luther, Calvin , Svengli, and every other known scholar and leader for CENTURIES before little Mary had her "vision' in Scotland in the mid 1860's.




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