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What you have said is false - wrong on 3 counts

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What you have said is false - wrong on 3 counts

Ok you have mentioned 1 world religion (Mormonism isn't really a force outside North America). So let us consider what you claim about islam.

>Islam is very much a "works" religion, with strict REQUIREMENTS for "salvation". These requirements include ritual prayer 5 times per day, one month of daily fasting per year (Ramadan), pilgrimage once in one's life, the public recitation of the Confession of Faith, and almsgiving.

This is not true. The only requirement for salvation in islam is belief. The exact opposite of what you say is true - islam is a religion which preaches that deeds can not save man and that the only way man can attain salvation is through God's mercy.

>That Allah is cold and impersonal is expressed plainly in the Qur'an in many Suras, which show him to be vengeful, violent, and completely unconcerned with individuals, contradicting his repeated claims to being "merciful and all-forgiving". His "judgment" will consist of putting people's deeds on a balance; if good outweighs bad he MAY allow that person into heaven.

This contradicts your previous claim that deeds determine salvation - here you are saying that God determines salvation!
What you are saying about the Quranic God being "vengeful, violent, and completely unconcerned with individuals" is not true. A classic example of this is in the Bible where the Flood is sent by an angry God. However in Islam the Flood was sent by God only at the request of Noah (who feared for the safety of his offspring). The Bible says "Vengence is mine sayeth the Lord". What does that say about the Christian God? The God of the Quran is most definitely concerned with individuals - He is portrayed as being closer than our own jugular veins. Also in Islam man is told that he is honoured by the fact that whenever he remembers God, God will remember him. If man remembers God in his heart, God will remember him in his heart. If man remembers God in company, God will remember him in a greater company. You can't get more personal than that! I put it to you that the Christian God is cold and impersonal, which is why God is usually portrayed as an angry old man in Christian art, and why the doctrine of the trinity is needed to bridge the gap between man and a remote inaccessible God.

>The Qur'an itself has a history of revision and corruption (see earlier thread in this forum entitled "The Reputation of the Holy Qur'an" for details).

Actually this is provably false. There is only 1 Quran - unlike say the bible which exists in a plethora of versions, each of which has gone through multiple translations. In contrast to the Bible the Quran is primarily a memorised text, it exists in only 1 language - arabic. Whether you belive in it is a different matter, but to say it has undergone "revision and corruption" is baseless and without foundation.

I would be happy to discuss the other world religions which you claim to have studied. I hope your knowledge of them is more accurate than your knowledge of islam.



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