19 y
Re: Alkalinity Sign Post.
"Health is relatively easy. Moderation in all things. Less Red Meat ,more fish, more veggies/fruit. Exercise and some form of stress relief."
Come on, it's a joke! Red meat from healthy animals is very healthy, fish is very healthy but is getting worst and worst. Animals fed crap has a meat with the wrong fats, which cause the circulatory system problems in meat eaters...
Health is far from being easy when most food available is pure crap. Moreless is 100% right that vegetables grown in the right ways is much more healthy, even organic crops are not perfect. Soils are not as rich in minerals, they are depleted in the right microorganisms, which lead to plants lower in minerals and higher in
nitrates (both because of the lack of the right microorganisms and the overuse of nitrogen fertilizer).