Re: What Comes First?
Interesting question.I never had worried about the ph, I don't think mine is always high enough, but I don't go under 6. When I added reading Moreless I started wondering. Since I am not at all interested in doing all that stuff and you mentioned the Green Max I started that, I have run out of ph strips, so I don't know how I am doing now.
After doing liverflushing and keeping the intestines clean I feel fine. Since I am not Andreas (who takes perfectly care of his body and I don't) who prefers only supplemnts once inawhile I prefer to limit myself. I started reading Owen's site since he basicaly likes Andreas but disagrees with him on supplements. So for now I took 3 things from his site 1 brasil nut a day for selenium, enzymes for when I don't eat the right food and the green max.
I would agree with John cleanses with improved lifestyle should take care of the pH.
I have trouble believing that just alkalizing the body is going to solve all your problems.
To me that is the same when people try to take herbs for detoxifying the liver. I just learned from Lapis and MH, if you don't do the livercleanse first and the liver is clogged up the toxins have nowhere to go but back in your body.
Of course I can't defend any of these feelings because I go by intuition.
Since I just read your post I was wondering if Andreas talked about it. The only thing I could find is, if you do the
kidney cleanse and you are over 70 (me!), sick or have
kidney stones and/or stiff/pain in fingers, toes (me too),loin to add a alkalizing drink with the kidney cleanse.
He suggests 2 parts sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and one part sodium potassium and put one 1 tsp of this mix in one large glass of not cold water. Drink at bedtime, 2 hours after dinner, your pH should be 6 in the morning. If not add some more the next time. It is also seems to help with allergies. BTW if the potassium is not available you can just use 1/2 tsp baking soda.
So sorry I can't have an educated discussion with you, but my intuition always has served me well. All the named forums are very sure about themselves, so we have to find a way to see what works for our own bodies.