Re: Too much Calcium???????
And what exactly is the misinformation?
That too much calcium is a bad thing...because moreless just admitted that. How about that calcium and mag need to be in correct ratio because moreless just agreed with that also.
Seems to me we are saying the same stupid things only we differ in what the cause is. Too much calcium =bad anyway you slice it. I believe it is because calcium can do no good without magnesium since all it will do is build. Moreless believes it is because of a protein imbalance. Either way the results are the same.
Moreless seems against vitamin supplement, or at least that is what he has said in reposnse to my post.
I do not think it is bad, I actually prefer to take high quality pharmecuetical grade vitamins rather than drink pikling solution and
Epsom Salts .
So what... So we differ on approach.
I have gotten a million time betters as I am sure I would have been dead with doing what I have done. Last summer I was extremely ill.
There is more than one right way to do things.
if you don't like my suggestions...don't follow them.
I am entitled to my opinion and this is a free to the public board.
If you don't like it then block my message or refrain from opening them is that simple.