No Fair Giving Up
You need to check out
Dr. Schulze 's "Incurables Program".
Dr. Schulze has a section on this web site and there is much information there. Many people who were as bad and worse off than you have found their way back to health by following his plan. Read that book he has there "Common Sense to Health & Healing", it's very powerful and gives you clear steps to follow. He doesn't pull any punches and tells it like it is. He may even offend some people. He doesn't
Sugar coat anything. You want to get well, then stop doing what is making you sick!! YOU are responsible for your health. Your body can heal itself if you give it what it needs to do so. Stop poisioning it by what you put into it or on it. Our health is attacked in so many directions by the things we eat, breathe and use in every day situations. Our body can fight off many of these things with little problem until it becomes overloaded. When you reach that point you get sick. If you don't remedy the situation you get more sick and if it gets bad enough you expire. I'm not sure if you have quit smoking (forgive me if you have) but I saw something before where you said you "can't" quit smoking. If you really want to you can. If you want to get better, you will. You are the one that sticks those things into your mouth and lights them. Just don't do it any more. If you don't stop the things that are hurting you, then you have no right to expect to get well. The first thing
Dr. Schulze is going to tell you to do is buy a juicer and drink fresh juice every day. Start eating more fresh uncooked foods. Clean out that colon. Our colon is one of the biggest ways our body has to rid ourselves of toxins. However from eating processed foods and other bad things in our diets, our colon becomes clogged with plaque. That plaque is literally poisioning our bodies and we need to rid ourselves of it and keep it out. It is also a great place for
parasites to reside...........Yes parasites. I'm sure I can't even imagine what you've been through but you said yourself you had no intention of harming yourself and that you were going to live each day that you are given. You may as well live it by treating your body as God meant it to be treated, who knows maybe it will start doing what God meant it to do.......heal itself. But besides that, recoginze how powerful your mind is also. I know it's hard right now to be positive, but at least stop saying self defeating things like, I give up; nothing is going to work; I am too far gone. Check out Dr. Schulze's section on this site. He also has a web site at if you are interested.
Dr. Shulze on CureZone