19 y
Re: i give up
Ha-ha! I went to a doctor in Fla. for a condition known as perioral dermatitis which flares up in me every once in a while, and I swear it's stress-related because I am a mess. I specifically picked a woman because women are usually more understanding than men when it comes to these things (and I sincerely mean present company excepted). I don't even think she looked at me once, she kept her back to me the whole time. When I asked her if she thought it could be stress-related, she waved her hand back at me and said, and I quote, "Stress is over-rated."
I almost fell off the table. I have no confidence in doctors anymore either, but seem to have no choice but to go to my psychiatrist because I am so desperate to have something make me feel better. I'm scared to death. It seems to me at this point, nothing short of a religious or spiritual experience is going to help me, and I'm just plain not worthy.
If I may say, you're not alone. You're in fine company, and we are all trying to plod along and praying, hoping things will be better. God bless you. I empathize with you.