It must still be too new for me... Right now the pain still smarts...and I get a panicky feeling about it. I am going to starting to cry just thinking about it...I could do without the pain and I just wish God would have stopped her from drinking before she died. What a bunch of junk. Eat right and and stop drinking...make your life a living testimony to how to be healthy and quit playing with fire. Eat a salad a day...quit drinking...For God's sake please put as much energy into investigating how to beat alcoholism as you do to looking for a way to finance and get to your next drink. When you think about drinking instead substitute a cottage cheese and flaxseed oil drink. One will kill you and the other might save your life.
There are people out here that love you...just give us a chance...please give us a chance...please...please...please look for another thing to get hooked on like veggies or Jesus or helping save the world but do something besides drinking....please...