you're so sweet thanks for wanting to help. i'm glad you're here. alot of people with this same eating disorder say they're perfectionists but they don't even understant what perfectionism is. i thought i'm not like them but i've come to know (when i look back at how i've always been and how my friends and relatives tell me) that i HAVE BEEN a perfectionist since i could remember. i either do it PERFECTLY or i don't bother with it at all. so THER IS NOTHING that's gonna stop me now from doing my water only fast. n o thing! please don't try to make me think otherwise. and the funny thing is that i don't suffer from low self esteem. its the other way. i'm a 100% narcisist. it means you think you're better, smarter, prettier, than everyone. if you don't know what it means look it up online or in a dictionary. i'm a psych major and i just read it in a book and could not believe my eyes how the behavior characteristics matched mine. and how it can relate to eating disorders in some individuals. see the more i read about what the heck goes in my mind the more i find that these behavior patterns all have been identified before. anyways...i'm gonna be totally free in a month. i know it. through hard work outs and fresh distilled water i will become pure and light.