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Don't prolong the fast too much! Look...
JeSuisButterfly Views: 4,959
Published: 20 y
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Don't prolong the fast too much! Look...

Death is a possibility..!! So is starvation, obviously.. ai, chica, didn't they teach us healthy eating? LOL.. Read the book 'Diets don't work!' I'll send it to you, if you'd like. When I find the title and author of my favorite book I'll give it to you. Here's food for thought, literally -

Thin, underweight people went to the gym to put on weight. They tried and they tried, stuffing calories and carbs into their mouths like no other, and lifted weights, but nothing put on the pounds.
They complained to their trainer, and the trainer had an idea. He told the underweight people, 'For one week, eat very, very little. The smallest portions possible, and continue your exercise routines.' The thin people thought this was odd, but none the less, they followed the instructions. Everyday for a week they complained of headache, dizziness, and irritability, and when they stepped on the scale, they found they lost 10 pounds.
They were furious! They didn't want to lose weight, they wanted to gain it. The trainer told them, 'Go back to how you normally ate! Your diet's over.' Begrudgingly, they went back to their normal lives. A couple of days after, they weighed themselves, and they were ecstatic to find that not only did they gain back their ten pounds, but they gained 2 more! 12 pounds gained only a couple of days of normal eating after getting off the starvation diet.
They went on the starvation diet and exercise again for 5 days, lost 6 pounds, and when they stepped on the scale after a couple of days of normal eating, they had gained back the 6, plus four more pounds! A total of 10.
The trainer studied dieters to make this routine!

The more you starve yourself, the harder it becomes to lose weight, and the faster it is to gain it because of the panic response your body creates.

Interesting, na?


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