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Re: How my hell health affects my mental health. Very obsessive..
You will never get well, never gain the discipline to cleanse and detox, never accomplish anything until you change your attitude. You will not be perfect all the time, no one is, but you must believe things can get better or they never will. When I get out of a chair I often scream out in pain, sometimes I fall, sometimes I can't get up at all. But, sometimes I can and even take a few steps on my own. Those are the times I remember and celebrate.
I have much more to say, but must work today. Either you believe in natural healing and commit your self to using methods that will allow your body to become self healing, or you put your faith (and fate) in the hands of allopathic medicine and allow them to mask your symptoms with drugs and try to resolve the problem with surgery. Its your choice, but I would do everything I know to do to heal myself or at least get as healthy as possible before allowing myself to be cut and drugged. No one here can cure you, its all in your hands and attitude.