When I was on the diet I didn't eat fruit at all. It was 4 months with no cheating. I then tried to eat green apples...some days I could handle it...other days I would react (strongly).
I got diagnosed with gluten sensitivity and got radical about avoiding gluten...even in my lotion and cosmetics. I noticed huge improvement right away and ever since I got this diagnosis I have been eating all fruits except citrus with no problems. The only time I react is if I mess up on my diet...its like my gut becomes raw and so most foods will bother me for up to a week....during this time I will react to the fruits but since I now know its not yeast causing the reaction I'm not afraid to eat them and I do get better.
I was constipated during my illness and during the candida diet I was doing daily enemas. Now I'm regular..at least once a day. While I was doing the antifungals and enemas I saw all the mucus and white threads and flakes. I was excited but when I told my ND (who diagnosed me with systemic candida) she said the only way candida can be seen is under the microscope.I never found any info online about it so I came to the conclusion that its not yeast we are seeing. If it were so easily seen wouldnt we be able to verify it through tests?
Anyways I dont take antifungals anymore and I feel much better just eating healthy and avoiding gluten and dairy.