I want to go raw, or at least start on raw and work my way up to 90%. My question is this - it's winter and I live Michigan (no crops growing right now) - I know pesticides are bad, but is there a way that I can buy grocery store produce and use that or is it imperative that I go organic with everything to see results? I know there are websites out there that I can buy organic from, but they are pricey. I am trying to feed a family of 5 (one being a big meat eater!!) and don't have the extra money to buy all organic for all of us. But I do want to clean up my family's eating as all of us have one problem or another that we could benefit from by going raw or mostly so. I guess my question is, is there a wash or something that I could use to get the pesticides off of the produce so I can use store-bought food and still benefit from it? In the summer I will have a garden and it will be easy then to go organic, but right now is the problem - I don't want to wait until spring to start - we need it now! TIA for any help you can give me!