Your initial....
...position was that you need a biblical God to be moral?
Flawed thinking.
Here's why:
Let's use our imaginations here. Let's just say there is no deity as the Bible claims. Let's say "God" is nothing more that a structure that IS everything. No daddy sitting on a throne making decisions like..."hmmm test that one today...test that one too...leave that one alone...etc"
Also let's say that the "system" has its own checks and balances and that one part of the whole can key in on this by simply observing the laws of the universe. Laws such as..for every action there is a opposite and equal reaction. Let's call this law karma!
With *this* systemic order, all one has to do is be aware of it and one knows that what you put out you will get back. Isn't that reason enough to be "moral."?
While we're on the topic, where is the morality of a "GOD" who demands love or else? That doesn't fit any order at all. In fact it's anomolous and imperfect. That kind of god ideal would be hipocritical.
Before you make the leap of "who created this order" implying that there must be the god that you are conditonally familiar with? Then one must continue *that* train of thought by saying also, who created your God?