Dear truth against world so glad you are better than before
I do believe you have to treat the bowel and the mimosa Pudica seeds drag out the cysts and nodules embedded in bowel that the threadworms keep regenerating from also. Also menbendazole taken for bowel cysts 21days or albendazole for muscle cysts is good and brings the count down. I’ve had to buy these online. Many insecticidal oils help Nikura bay leaf oil and Naissance tea tree oil. I say the brands because others are not as effective. Rub in feet. Place in nasal inhaler also but they are also often in the glands so I rub it into them too. Insecticidal herbs Agnus castus tincture, Pau d’Arco, Ground anise seeds steeped in any juice and taken especially in morning for stomach worms. So just a couple more suggestions -please keep safe we are debilitated by parasites and open to COVID 19 too