Seems like a hookworm to me of some subspecies. There is a Netflix documentary about DNA that shows a C. Elegans being injected with crisper cas9 gene therapy. So these are in the labs. I found something in snuff tobacco and quit but still use nicotine replacement. There is a study from Michigan or Minnesota online about these c. Elegans getting hooked on nicotine. That makes sense since usually that killed them in the past. Then on the other hand I had symptoms of the river blindness causing ones. I think ive had them for years and when 5g came to town they started becoming restless and noticeable. I could be wrong its just a hunch. I work in a power plant and they hate all the electro magnetic energy and frequencies but it seems to helping get rid of them. I have not been sick the whole year either besides these things. If they didn't cause itching i wouldn't declare war on them. They hate sulfur too if i get in some coal ash its miserable. Plain old vinegar will take the itch away after the burning too. Thats all I know so far if I learn more I will post it.