5 y
Re: Warning against institutionalized religious Dogma.
I will agree to disagree. You are trying to get me to believe the lies you are telling about me. This is called "gaslighting" and, yes, you are the one who is doing it. I only wanted to call out your false beliefs. Yes, I could have done it in a more loving manner. For that and that only I do apologize. I do not apologize for calling out the false beliefs. You do not believe the Bible, except in part, so we have nothing to discuss or debate anyway as you have no standard except for the being that lives inside of you that I do not trust. I don't have time for debate anyway. We have discussed most of your false beliefs in past threads. If you are interested you can hunt them up. I do not have time to give my time at will to whoever wants it for their own purposes, or just to waste it. I have a life to live outside of curezone. I need to stay on task and spend my time the way I feel God wants me to spend it and not waste it in useless debates.
You wanted to debate. I just wanted to call out your false beliefs. We can't debate anyway because you only believe the Bible in part.
PS: You were gaslighting me in your emails too. Why would I seek help from someone who gaslights me? I'm not that far gone!