6 y
Re: Warning against institutionalized religious Dogma.
Loquat: "It's kinda ironic, innit, that the only ad hominem attacks I've seen in this thread have all come from LITS him/herself, and mainly against Rainy."
Me: It's called "gaslighting". I was already familiar with the term. I knew he was using it on me while accusing me of it. He knew what he was doing all along. He is a very smart man in some ways. I truly wish I could have been more loving in my responses. That's why I made the apology. I definitely do not own everything he accused me of. I definitely was not gaslighting. I do not stand before God for his behavior, just mine. I think I could have done better, but I don't really know how I could have made my point any other way for some of the stuff I was calling out. The other gospel that he preaches needed desperately to be called out. I did my best, but it was not good enough. I pray the Lord help me going forward.
Loquat: "I hafta wonder if LITS appreciates the subtle distinction between calling out 'another gospel' and a personal attack against its adherent? The two are not the same."
Me: Yes, I agree. Maybe there is a fine line between the two. I am examining myself to see if I crossed that line. I apologized just in case I did cross that line.