Asthma Cure
This is a feat, indeed.
Best time to fast again is to feed on plant based foods for 1.5 X 10 days of fast then attempt again.
The answer to curing asthma with fast, is yes. Inhalers are very toxic for your body.
To cure asthma all you need is simple lifestyle changes.
1. Eliminate all milk products, bananas, peanuts, soy, corn, wheat, SUGAR, eggs and meats. All mucus producing foods and generally inflammatory foods. Get a test done called IGG, it can be done at home, google it.
2. Eat warm foods and nothing from the refrigerator.
3. Drink ginger tea, with honey and lemon juice. I have given details for this to another poster above.
4. Take Turmeric powder, 1tbsp in water or with honey or both twice a day. You can add Apple Cider Vinegar to it.
5. Eat cayenne pepper with almost all your foods.
6. Take omega 3 oils, fish oil or Krill oil.
7. Get enough sun light everyday, best way to get Vitamin D, but during winter time take Vitamin D3 - 5000IU.
8. Exercise regularly, walking and Bikram Yoga will help.
9. Eat foods that eliminate phlegm, garlic and onions. Eat Quinoa or Wild rice with mixed vegetables.
10. Rub mustard oil on your chest before bedtime.
Lastly, please do a liver flush, which help with all allergic reactions to foods and other sources, will aid in good digestion and overall health by detoxing.
I can assure you if you do this for a month you will be cured in one month.
Good wishes.