A good thing you are sticking it out. We die from eating, not from not eating, otherwise nature would have failed a long time ago. All living organisms are built with a program not to eat everyday. Now you should get to 10 days easily. Just rest, drink as per thirst, warm water, and stay warm.
You can use any oil for transdermal feeding of fat and calming your internal organs.
1. Break your fast with organic orange, lemon or grapefruit juice, mixed with water for first part of the day. Then drink freshly squeezed juice from any fruit, avoid bananas for a week.
Watermelon or tomato juice are also good.
2. Eat only when hungry, not by the clock and not by number of meals per day. Increase your food intake very slowly.
3. I personally don’t like the term re- feeding because it is for lifetime. When fasters say refeeding it seems to me they mean, when can I eat normally the way I used to eat. However, eat plant based foods in small amounts for at least 1.5 X (days fasted), if you do 10 day fasting that will equal to 15 days. Then eat plant based foods but introduce nuts, seeds, grains, and oils(if you must), and cooked meals, with wild rice, quinoa, avoid wheat, and processed foods.
4. After three days of
juicing and some fruits, introduce salads without oil, just sprinkle some Himalayan salt and pepper with lime or lemon juice. Don’t combine fruits and vegetables in one meal. Fruits digest much faster than other foods. Planning a meal is simple (for me), leave all fruits and vegetables on the table, gorge at it and eat what appeals to you. You will not believe this but in few of my fasts, I craved lemons and ate lemons like an orange or grapefruit, peeling it and eating the whole inside.
5. After a week of eating this way, introduce Lugol’s Iodine. Start with one drop of 5% Lugol’s solution in one glass of water, tritrate 1 drop everyday till you reach 24 drops and then back down. Then you can take 2 drops everyday. If you eat enough greens and a few drops of Iodine, you will not need your thyroid meds. The meds are designed to mask symptoms not heal. Your thyroid needs Iodine. Please read Dr. David Brownstein’s book, “IODINE-why you need it”.
6. After 21 days or more of eating this way, do a kidney cleanse,
Colon Cleanse and liver flush. You can PM me for details, or visit
Liver Flush Forum on CZ.
I don’t anything about refeeding syndrome. I know people over eat after the fast, then they bloat and go to ER. I am one them, I over ate twice after a fast and bloated up, I had slow down.
You are doing fine, don’t read rubbish on the internet, you may read Dr. Shelton’s books on fasting. I have listed a link in my previous messages, you can search with my name.
Keep up the good work.
Best wishes.