High Blood Pressure, Heart Burn, and lowly Blood Sugar Level.
So I am on a water-fast (no supplements/meds). I am on day 5+. I am really struggling with heart burn. I keep getting it in bouts and every time I drink water. Its been going on for about two days now. Sometimes I feel like throwing up after drinking water, Is this a normal sensation?
I took Chrisb1's advice and started drinking hot/warm water it helped a little but not much. Is there any other suggestions pls to over come painful acid reflux?
Also, my blood pressure has increased to 145/96! I normally have low blood pressure. Is blood pressure rising during
Water Fast normal?
However, my pulse has gone down to 75 beats a min -which is v good for me as I am normally 80-ish beats a min.
My blood
Sugar level has gone to 4.0 mmol/l from its usual 5.0 mmol/l, pleased about this. Is it safe to go below 4.0 mmol/L?
After fasting does the body start to readjust it self to previous measures or will it have a new measurement point from which to work?
I do not wanna give up my fast if I can keep going for as long as I can.
thanks. U.K.