Re: High Blood Pressure, Heart Burn, and lowly Blood Sugar Level.
Good job for getting to day 5.
Yes, all your symptoms you describe are normal. Does everyone fasting goes through all your symptoms? The answer is “No”.
Does one experience those same symptoms in every fast one goes through? The answer is “No”.
I am a big advocate of drinking warm to hot water, sipping like tea, even when you are not fasting. The other things you can do are deep breathing at least for 15 minutes at a time, twice a day. This will regulate blood pressure. Massage your stomach area with castor oil, olive oil or sesame oil, especially before bed. Also drop 5 drops of castor oil in your belly button before bed. This has amazing power, you can search YouTube videos on this subject.
Just will it through, this will all pass.
Over bodies don’t get sick overnight, and we must give itself some time to heal.