Re: The 5 Points of FINALISM
That's right, I don't know him, and neither do I wish to. As far as I'm able to ascertain, your 'jesus' is not the Jesus of the Bible I know, love and worship as my Saviour.
Presumably, your life-long addiction to mind-altering drugs has not only been responsible for the sociopathy and paranoia that you insist on parading in these threads; it has also at various times been instrumental in the creation of your jesus, who, by all accounts, is a false jesus made in your own image. I'm neither familiar with nor responsible for the creations of your own fertile imagination, and I cannot be expected to second-guess what your mind is capable of conjuring up from its drug-fuelled haze.
That is also most likely the explanation why your jesus appears to morph into different forms almost every time you post. The result is the creation of several different versions of the 2nd Person of the Trinity that would be unrecognisable to every Christian who has ever lived. I am happy to find myself in such excellent company.
On that basis, I have no problem at all in rejecting your jesus out of hand, since my Jesus bears not even the slightest resemblance to yours. Yours is 'another gospel', and until you recognise it for what it is, it will always remain thus.