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Re: The 5 Points of FINALISM
loquat1 Views: 1,036
Published: 8 y
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Re: The 5 Points of FINALISM

'Spoken' like a true futurist. For only a futurist can take a prophecy about a period of 490 years and stretch it over a period of some 2.5 millennia by decoupling the 70th week from the 69th without so much as a scintilla of evidence that justifies such a treatment of the text. I don't know which is more egregious, the exegetical crimes that are committed against the text as a direct result of the exigencies of preserving a futuristic time-frame, or misapplying what is a patently messianic prophecy to antichrist. I suspect it might be the latter.

The context of Dan. 9:27 is Dan. 9:24-26a. The messianic language used in this passage could not be clearer, short of naming the 'anointed one' Jesus the Christ. He is 'cut off' bang in the middle of the 70th week - ie after the 7 + 62 weeks that encompass the rebuild and the countdown until His arrival. Where then, for the love of truth, is there any room or grounds for inserting 2,000 years between the 69th and 70th weeks? I tell you in all love, this is nothing but a figment of the futurist imagination. Once you put on those futuristic spectacles, it's simply amazing what you can see. But when those futuristic scales start to fall from your eyes, as one day they surely must, you will wonder why it took you so long to see the truth. 

The so-called Great Tribulation is not the focal point of prophecy. Neither is a future earthly millennium. The true focal point was established as early as Gen. 3:15, which sets the pattern for the rest of the OT. Its final counterpart is found in the closing chapters of redemptive history, which inform us that 'the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy' (Rev. 19:10).

There is no worthier subject for the central theme that runs thru both covenants.



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