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Re: Who Was Running The Universe When Jesus Was Dead Those 3 days If Jesus Was Supposedly God?
loquat1 Views: 746
Published: 8 y
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Re: Who Was Running The Universe When Jesus Was Dead Those 3 days If Jesus Was Supposedly God?

Should not EVERY verse in Bible that you are referring to have or mention the "holy ghost" to support the Trinitarians false notions of the existence of a three headed triune entity or god? Anymore than any part of a related topic needs to be mentioned every time that topic crops up. For example, there's no need to list the fruits of the Holy Spirit (Gal. 5: 22-23) every time He is mentioned. 

You patently have no understanding of how sound doctrine is established. Your only interest appears to be in knocking down the straw men that you obviously take great delight in erecting for easy demolition. As long as you persist in misrepresenting the truth, the only real debate here is with yourself.

That you have proven yourself adept at refuting your own fallacious 'understanding' of credal Christianity is not in question. But if you want a serious and productive debate, the first rule of engaging your opponents is to fairly represent their views.

Your posts to date don't inspire much confidence that you are about to break the habit of a lifetime.

Why didn't Jesus say anything about the so-called third party the holy ghost as well?

Seriously? See Jn 14:15-26 and 16:4b-15.



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