Re: Who Was Running The Universe When Jesus Was Dead Those 3 days If Jesus Was Supposedly God?
Wouldn't you rather believe God than man? Wouldn't it better to take note of what someone is saying if they are using God's Word to back up what they are saying and believe? Think about it.
It's your choice. Take it to God for His direction and do not "lean upon your own understanding" (Proverbs 3:5,6,7).
Yes, I sure would rather believe God than Man etc. This is excellent advice. That's why I am not a JW. Maybe you should try taking the advice you give to others for yourself. Do you even realize that God can speak to you directly. You do not have to depend on your leaders, who happen to be men, to tell you the truth. God is more than willing to lead you into all truth if you seek Him. Why would you seek a man or an organization to tell you the truth when you can seek God for yourself? Eternity is for a very long time. You do not want to die a deceived person. The second death is forever and it will not be pleasant. Read about that in the Bible in Revelation. Do not trust a man or an organization. Put your trust in God. You will be shunned by your JW friends and family, but it will be worth it in the end. Living in truth is worth it. Many have gone before you doing this same thing. Yes, the pain will always be there in this life, but they would never go back if they found the real truth. Only those who left for other reasons go back.