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Re: Who Was Running The Universe When Jesus Was Dead Those 3 days If Jesus Was Supposedly God?
loquat1 Views: 880
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Re: Who Was Running The Universe When Jesus Was Dead Those 3 days If Jesus Was Supposedly God?

Sorry to disabuse you Tansy, but you should never have held them in such high regard in the first place. There is nary a single doctrine of the faith that has not undergone a transformative mutilation at their hands. For example, they deny Jesus' bodily resurrection - the cornerstone of our faith. They preach 'another gospel' at every turn, to the extent that there is nothing left in their theology that can remotely be characterised as 'Christian' in any meaningful sense of the term. 

Truth is, we have virtually nothing in common with them, despite their professed belief in the authority of Scripture. It's all lip-service. What they actually believe is the system set up by Charles Taze Russell, an habitual litigant who voluntarily perjured himself in one of his actions for slander. If you think I'm over-egging the yolk, take a gander at bones 1 & 2 here:

......and if you still don't believe me, do your own research. The www is awash with such documentation, and whilst our JW friend may prefer to bury his/her head in the sand by characterising it all as anti-Watchtower propaganda, any gumshoe worth their salt would be able to corroborate every allegation from the historical (and hysterical) record in short order.

As for all us non-JW's, we are all earmarked for annihilation, which should at least put a smile on vekky's face. But seriously, it will pay you rich dividends to study their beliefs more closely. By recognising error when you see it, you will be able to avoid its pitfalls more easily.



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