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Re: Who Was Running The Universe When Jesus Was Dead Those 3 days If Jesus Was Supposedly God?
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Re: Who Was Running The Universe When Jesus Was Dead Those 3 days If Jesus Was Supposedly God?

Its amazing and mind boggling to me how individuals like you and so-called imperfect "learned men of expertise" go to such GREAT LENGTHS TO make Jehovah's Witnesses look bad in the eyes of others by using and employing made up negative testimonies against us concerning our religion and faith, BTW Jehovah's Witnesses organization is not a "secretive" or oppressive organization like some people want to believe. Everything is out in the open and transparent.

Some, because of listening to fake information or because of reading about negative propaganda on the internet, social media, word of mouth, tv, so-called "learned men" who claim to be experts in defining what a cult is, and other vehicles that Satan the Devil uses on unsuspecting persons concerning JW's are discouraged from investigating for themselves about the wonderful, amazing, and beautiful things about the organization I love and am a part of, Jehovah's organization, and will continue to be a part of.

Satan the Devil truly has used you and these "authors, lecturers, orators, etc., to flame the fans of fear and hate against a beautiful organization that only gives hope of better things to come based on God's Word the Bible (Revelation 21:3-5, Psalms 37:10,11,29).

The conclusion I have come to is this: Sir you and others like you have TO MUCH TIME on your hands searching and researching "stuff" that is not true or thoroughly researched. Why has your research NOT included talking to active, happy JW's who have been in this organization for decades firsthand? It is because you don't want to know the truth.

Ex JW's are one-sided in their expressions and opinions of hate for and against God's organization that they once LOVED. Many of them simply want to have their own religious agenda and do not want to do what is right in the eyes of Jehovah God and so they complain and deliberately neglect to tell the real reasons why they left on their own...Many leave our organization of their own initiative and are NOT FORCED to stay as so many have been conditioned by fake information to believe....I could address these negative issues forever, but I choose not to for the simple fact that in your case, what I say would be falling on deaf ears and an uncaring heart.....

You have given an AVALANCHE of fruitless information that only serves to let me know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am DEFINITELY in the right religion, faith, and organization....Sooooo your information was not totally useless.


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