Re: Cured my lifelong lip peeling of over 20 plus years !
Longterm, thanks for posting your information. I will make reference to this when I see the results of my lyme test.
How did you leave things with the infectious diseases doctor? It appears that is a major question mark unanswered and could potentailly be the source of a lot of your outstanding symptoms?
I am looking at the MELISA european lyme test which appears to test borrelia afzelli, borrelia garinii, borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto. In addition to this there is the 'borrelia western blot' . Here is the link:
the lab is based in Germany.
If my doctor refuses I will be forced to get a referral letter to pay for it privately. But is this the test to be having?
My basic understanding is that I am likely to get back accurate results due to having it for so long. I remember a raised neon pink rash when I was between the ages of 10-14 years of age, but not a bull's eye rash. I never seeked help with it at the time because I was overweight and embarrased about taking my shirt off. The rash faded away but this was the time I began experiencing symptoms elsewhere and ever since.
What is your next step? Will you get re-tested?
p.s. fortunately I have never been out of Europe so if I do have lyme it will be a strain isolated to this region.
My doctor's follow up is on the 12th where I will find out about other test results, specifically IgA (Coeliac test) and others.