Great that you are taking the advice regarding the Taurine. Take it daily - permanently. Also in other medical journals they say that Omega 3 (fish oil) also helps to stop stones forming. Another very important supplement that greatly helps the liver is Milk Thistle high strength, I take 35,000 mg x 2 daily. Also, another supplement Essentiale Max is also very good for the Liver expecially. I would give yourself a rest from proper flushing just for the moment as they are very taxing on the body and give your body time to settle, and maybe do "mini flushing" i,e take magnesium malate daily so that you body is continuously cleansing with increased fish oils and other fats along with the supps above to encourage the gallbladder to cleanse itself. I don't think you ruined your body with flushing, its just your body is pushing out and trying to push out alot of toxic stuff and you need to "catch up". Why not invest in some colonic irrigation? maybe?
Regarding the Depression and psychological traumas, I wonder if you are low on Vit D, B12, B6, omega 3 (fish oil)? Even additional B6 on its own can help alot in post menopause women.