Re: Have liverflushing ruined my life?
Thanks to you both! I`m so grateful that someone even bother to answer me.
I`ve been taking turmeric in capsuleform for many months now, but I haven`t tried it in Golden Milk. I certainly will try it. Perhaps it works better this way.
The advice about Taurine was very good. I have never heared about it before. I certainly will buy it tomorrow.
Down this page I read about Tiffany`s Flush #15, and this person says it`s been over 8 years since her/his last flush. My conclusion from this is that it can`t be that dangerous to stop flushing for some time, or what do you think?
Yes my health has improved too. I don`t have
Gallstones in my gallbladder anymore, my thyroid levels have increased so I don`t have to take so much thyroid medicine as before. My scolioses is almost gone and fungus on a toenail almost gone. However, all this is just small things compared with the pains in my upper body I have to face every day.
My pains are burning, stabbing, pulsating, prancing and oppressive (hope this is right translated), also something that pulls and stretches. Many times it feels as if it stretches even to the outside of my body. I feel I have hard cables and thin threads inside me. Something hangs around my neck. Something hangs over my right shoulder and pulls so hard downwards to my chest, in line with my armpit, to this very painful spot. I also feel I have a skin under my skin. When I lay on one side, this skin comes crawling/gliding over my shoulder and downwards my overarm. I always have pain in my liver, and when I pay attention to the movements in my liver, I feel exactly the same movements all over my upper body, just bigger and wider movements. It`s all very creepy, disgusting and painful. I wish I was able to leave my body for an hour or two, just so I could relax. I`m not insane, but perhaps I will be.
It all get worse when I eat and I can`t drink any cold. Stress and cold worsens the pains. It`s difficult to urinate ( because of the movements), can`t wear bra or jewelry and prefer wide cloths on my upper body. It all worsens during the day and evening and night are the worst. Can`t sleep because of the pain, and if it happens the pain wakes me up shortly after. I need to take sleepingpills.
I want so much to be able to flush and get healthy - or just to get my life back. However liverflushing has just become too painful for me. I have to deal with this nervedamage first. I guess my doctor will suggest tricyclic antidepressants. I know this is very bad for the liver, but I don`t know how to avoid it. I`ll tell the doctor I`ll wait and see for a while, but.............. I really don`t know what to do.