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Sarcasm or not to use sarcasm
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Sarcasm or not to use sarcasm

Sarcasm seems to rule these days. It seems one can get away with it when you are family or good friends that know each other, because the other knows that it's not meant to be mean...but between strangers, the joke gets lost.

You say your days of sweet and loving are over...I didn't notice the difference. lol...sarcasm. You don't know me well, so it probably sounded mean...but if you joked with me like that all the time, you and I would know it was a joke to be funny and not mean.

However...that being said. Sarcasm can get out of hand at any time, even among families. All it takes is someone in the family feeling low, and doesn't feel good about themselves and all of a sudden that funny jab, was not so funny. It hurts. We don't want that.

So I hope we don't have to be sarcastic to one another to make comments or some sort of points to be made. We are all glad you are here. :)


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