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Re: Do You Have to Speak in Tongues to Be Saved?
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Re: Do You Have to Speak in Tongues to Be Saved?

Ok Rainy run away as usual I really don't care about "tongues" and to go as far as insulting you I see that as losing a debate.
I have learnt to accept every word in the Bible for it's God's works so who am I or anyone else for that matter dispute it as I have done before.

When I stopped disputing my mind became clear.
The same goes for these "preachers" on YouTube. I have just had enough of the false "prophets" that continue to disobey God just as Adam did. They are so full of themselves they don't 'see' it.

I died on the cross spiritually to stand alongside Jesus and swore to try follow His way
Doing so I have resurrected myself with the help of the Holy Spirit.
I have some way to go but my pathways clear which allows my human spirit to move on and now I can communicate with God through the Holy Spirit and NOT follow Adams choice and disobey God as he chose his intellect instead of Gods command.

Rainy, you have the freedom of choice but to allow yourself to dispute with others, to me,
is using the intellect instead of your human spirit. You said once that you are spiritual so why not pursue that path instead of giving yourself a hard time?

You have returned eight times to CureZone on Christianity does that not tell you that you have unfinished business here. You said in a earlier post to me that praying for a particular person was a "burden" and speaking in "tongues" helped you through it. Well your entitled to that opinion but I did not see it that way.
I simply think you did not have enough trust in God to help you through that time. You will disagree but I am on the outside looking in at you.

So instead of rallying politicians (which is a waste of time) because they are all much of the same. I would never count on them so I live my life with those that matter to me, simply because I love them the way God loves me.
It's down to you and if you move on I will dearly miss you because such an endearing person that looks through their life seeking the truth.
You will be knocked as I was but my faith sees me past it all.


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