Re: Do You Have to Speak in Tongues to Be Saved?
I really think this type of thing may be what Paul was correcting at the church of Corinth. What I see here is people praying in tongues and not giving messages in tongues, which Paul said needs to be interpreted. I don't believe people were giving messages in tongues here, but simply using their prayer language. Since this is an open meeting it may be not wise for them to pray like this. On the other hand, there is a possibility that Paul's correction for the church at Corinth may only have been to them for their problems. Since most today know about tongues it may not apply. I really don't know how God views it for today's churches, but we do have to remember Paul was addressing the problems of one church in his time. These may not be the problems of today. I'm not convinced this was wrong. I saw a lot of people crying out to God together. How could that be wrong unless some were flaunting the tongue speaking? Some spoke English words. This was more of a crying out to God together. It is not wrong to cry out to God. Since some were speaking in tongues I'm not one hundred percent sure how God would view this. It may be that Paul's instruction to the one church was for everybody for all time, but that may not be the case. I can't give an answer or judge this one clearly.
Also, I just wanted to add one thing about the article you posted. They came up with some falsehoods against true tongue speaking. Why did they not also come up with a falsehood to explain away the interpretation of tongues which happens today as well? Also, sometimes there is more than one person who gets the interpretation. They use that to judge the other's interpretation at times. I guess they are in denial about this too. If true tongues were not true, how could this happen? It couldn't. Those against tongues are blind and in denial to the truth. It is wrong for them to make fun of people who speak in tongues. It is wrong for Christians to say that people who speak in tongues are not even saved. That is not scriptural. They are judging with logs in their eyes. Some have a mocking spirit.