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Re: Do You Have to Speak in Tongues to Be Saved?
rainy.8 Views: 750
Published: 9 y
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Re: Do You Have to Speak in Tongues to Be Saved?

Some are in much pride and arrogance over accusing others of being in pride and arrogance. It's so easy to see pride and arrogance in others while being blind to one's own. There's something to be said about those who easily point the finger at others.

Maybe that's why I have hated this topic so much. Just bringing up the topic causes pride and arrogance. It's hard to see the truth of something when one is blinded with pride and arrogance. Refreshed was right when she said sometimes we cannot talk about some things without causing some issues. That's true even on a debate forum when trying to explain to people, who claim they want the truth, truth that one knows he/she has. It will all just be considered pride and arrogance.

Oh yes, I was able to read between the lines of the recent posts. How sweet and tactful those posts are.


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