Re: Finding relief from chronic fatigue in protein powders
Whey protein is a highly allergenic form of protein which is best avoided by people with Leaky Gut. However Whey protein is high quality which is it's main benefit.
Less reactive proteins such as Pea and Rice protein 80% protein powder might be better. I use these and add extra Branch Chain Amino Acids to them when I mix it. I also add some Methionine Amino Acid (AA) N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC), Glycine and Glutamine powders for Glutathione production and Tyrosine for my thyroid. If you look at the amino acid profiles of whey, pea and rice proteins and compare them and then add any amino acids which are low, in particular cystine/cysteine and methionine being the main ones, you can improve the protein quality without having the allergenic problems that whey frequently has.
Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome tend to be low in some amino acids so it pays to try and ensure adequate intake of those amino acids.
If you look at body building sites that stock Pea and Rice protein, providing they have a download pdf for the amino acid profiles you can easily check them and compare against whey. I know from memory that whey has higher methionine and cystine levels than pea and rice, the levels of those amino acids in pea and rice are very low which is not helpful when the body has such high demands on glutathione.
A positive thing about Pea and Rice is that it goes well with culinary herbs. I add Rosemary for it's nervous system healing and recently Ashwagandha for it's thyroid stimulating effect as I am very thyroid deficient. Also Turmeric, Magnesium (Carbonate), Malic Acid to react the Mag carbonate and also help stimulate the digestion. There are a few others which I cannot remember ATM.
Pea is quite a nice texture but rice is horrid and very powdery and goes everywhere. Pea I like, rice I do not but I do still take it at around 60:40.
I take a capsule of pancreatin along with it to speed up the protein breakdown.
Amino acids are the best because the body cannot react against them but they are quite expensive.