You keep saying that about me...that I'm misrepresenting you. I read what you said...I know Thorn is a calvinist now, but he has not forgotten being a pentecostal. I'm telling you how I see things from my perceptive...not yours. How can a non-calvinist explain how you are wrong from a calvinist standpoint? Like that's going to happen? I'm showing you how I see it from my beliefs. I wasn't there when you and your husband laughed about him being moved to tears. I'm just saying that I see nothing to laugh at. Something as dear as sacrificing one's own life is something that would make anyone really dig deep within their soul. I'm just surprised you don't believe that by doing what you want him to do for you in terms of sacrificing is a sign of works unto salvation. lol---or is that not funny either? Did you laugh with me? Again...not a joke, just showing something here in the only way I know how to do it. Forgive me for not being a master debater.
I was trying to make a point of all of what I said, even if you don't think it fits. Of course you are not going to see it fitting because you are not an arminian. I feel sure arminians understand exactly what I'm saying about it all. And of course you want me to explain what I see about you from a calvinistic standpoint because then there would be no differences in our debate...we would be on the same page. No point being on a debate forum if we had the same belief on the subject. This is not about asking you to look in the mirror at yourself. For you see a woman with a crown that was placed there before she was even born. There is no way you are going to see yourself any other way. Again that is my way of seeing it from an arminian standpoint. Not how you may see it.
No I don't believe people are chosen before the beginning of time to be saved or damned. I believe people are born into this world and given the breath of God to be alive. From then on God's desire is that each person walk in His way. Not just some. This very thing is sooo different between us. I just believe God knows who will chose Him and will endure to the end.
I do believe God chooses people to work out His plan. He made us and knows us so much that it's effortless to Him. He can see the outcome of what we decide and how our personalities and determination will drive us. And best of all He knows if we will accept Him. As I mentioned Jonah before. God knew to use Jonah because He knew Jonah would come around to God's way of thinking about the people of Nineveh if Jonah had time to think about it in the belly of the fish. God didn't choose Jonah to be saved...God wants all to come to salvation. But the sad truth is, that not all will. We don't know who will come and who will go. Or who will pretend or who will lie. All I know is to believe a person when they say they love the Lord, and hope and pray for them as they walk through this world. They may not fit my idea of a perfect bible believing christian, but there is hope in what God can do in their life. And yes, we should keep sharing the Truth with them. After all, the end has not come and as long as we have breath and life, we are on that journey that God placed us on.
So no weaseling out of the fact that your idea of predestination is molding your whole understanding of scripture and understanding of what God wants for His creation. It's not the same in how I call it a heresy if you like. I will be glad to hold the title for the sake of Christ. I just believe you are wrong, but not wrong as in damned. As long as you have a relationship with Jesus, you are still traveling with Him. If any of us are wrong it will continually be shown to us over and over again. He doesn't give up on His relationship with us, just because we don't get it perfectly. If you believe what you believe then do it fully unto God. And I will do the same. But that doesn't mean we will not disagree in a debate forum. That's what we do here.
Despised for speaking your mind? Calling my theology Man centered? I don't despise anything about you. I love you very much. So consider it "brought". ;)