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Re: Anybody believe this is true?
rainy.7 Views: 684
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Re: Anybody believe this is true?

Hi Doc,

Great to see you back posting. Hope all is going well with you.

I think some things in the Bible will not be understood until eternity. The human mind is no match for God's mind. In other words, I believe that there are mysteries in the Bible that we will be learning about in eternity. I think this issue will be one of those addressed then. I do remember studying about this issue in college. That's been many years ago. I vaguely remember studying about views that are in between the two extremes, so I know it's not like a person has to be one or the other. I am not a Calvinist, but I do like how this guy addresses this debate. I did a copy and paste of the one paragraph that I especially liked. Here it is:

"So, in the Calvinism vs. Arminianism debate, who is correct? It is interesting to note that in the diversity of the body of Christ, there are all sorts of mixtures of Calvinism and Arminianism. There are five-point Calvinists and five-point Arminians, and at the same time three-point Calvinists and two-point Arminians. Many believers arrive at some sort of mixture of the two views. Ultimately, it is our view that both systems fail in that they attempt to explain the unexplainable. Human beings are incapable of fully grasping a concept such as this. Yes, God is absolutely sovereign and knows all. Yes, human beings are called to make a genuine decision to place faith in Christ unto salvation. These two facts seem contradictory to us, but in the mind of God they make perfect sense."



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