hormones/skin links and fasting
Slim ppl are more prone to dryer skin. Also loosing weight, one also has less subcutaneous fat on the hands, therefore the hands look dryer/perhaps with more wrinkles, opposed to the Victorian smooth-overweight beauty ideal.
Dryness speaking, I've used extensively raw organic cold pressed oils on my skin during fasts, since my skin is even drier then. It seems like it is absorbed readily and partly also burned, partly stays as skin moisturizer.
Prolactin is decreased when the inhibiting Dopamine gets form the Hypothalamus to the Pituitary gland. The PG will always try to produce more, unless good inhibition is there - almost like an automatic thing - it the first hormone to increase and last to decrease when hormonal disturbances are present.
SHBG may be related to hypothyroid state - overt or subclinical (not full blown). Higher SHBG may also correlate to dryer skin.
Theoretically high SHBG may have increased your Prolactin as well. I'd check also
Iodine (maybe through a naturopath), T4, T3 and their free fractions, and reversed T3. Only TSH does not give a proper picture of the Thyr fn.
Fasting should help with all of the above.
For the skin you can get some extra Omega-3 in your diet - freshly ground flax seeds are the best or you can have walnuts or liter-two of fresh green juices daily.
Good luck with the prep!