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eft ; dna
DesertLili Views: 2,000
Published: 10 y
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eft ; dna

Certainly :) We are unlimited beings.
I was told that I am Vatta-Pita. Sometimes I digest heavy food with no problems, sometimes I don't. I went to refresh my memory on dosha-s here:
I have many of the mental characteristics of Pita, but mainly those of Vatta. My body looks more Pita now, there was time it was rather Vata.
I agree with many of your propositions.
DNA switch on-off can switch on-off things like inflammation, cancer, also regeneration, mental qualities (through neuro-mediation for example), etc, besides digestion and absorption.
Fasting for example un-packs the growth-hormone-gene into producing the growth-hormone-itself as a protein many folds. Something people who can't fast for long do with intermittent food intake (intermittent fasting if we will).
Two things strike me though - there is such thing as nutrient interchangeability, but it is un-efficient. One can't replace the sulfur efficiently for strength of the structure for example, while many things are irreplaceable - like vitamin C or Oxygen. The other thing: raw food IS eating big quantities of raw produce - this is one of its charms. I am often hungry, as you would be you are saying - I can eat 3-4 bananas many times a day if I am into energy-consuming activity - moving around, also reading seriously my books. It can be though more satisfying if quality protein and fats are in play - like nuts, coconut, avocado and so forth. Have you tried avocado with good dressing? SUrely I can eat plain avocado with a spoon, but dressings were the ones that got me into loving it :) Like sea-salt with crushed garlic-walnuts, add or not lemon.
I am crossing fingers that EFT will get you where you want.


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