Re: Revelation on Day 7 of 30-40 Day Fast
Still tempted with the possibility of eating. Want soy sauce really bad. I guess this is the point when I must ask myself why am I doing this?
1. Lose weight. Lost at least 9 lbs so far in seven days
2. Higher IQ
3. Spiritual illumination
4. Good luck
5. Change my destiny
6. Special abilities, like become an intuitive empath, or clairvoyance, psychic abilities, teleportation, healing powers
7. Clean my body of junk
8. Develop will power
9. My dreams of being an inventor, entrepreneur, and adopt all the homeless children of the world
10. To better serve humanity
11. To be truly happy and have no burdens or regrets
12. To live longer
13. For all the pain I have been through with eating everyday for years, all the frustrations. Being happy is not easy. To not want to feel those pain and frustration, I have to give up something. This is my deal, my promise, my offer. Do I take it? It is like selling something to get my heart's innermost desires
I don't know, still feels like the motivations listed above are not dear to me. Maybe I want to fast, because I want to. Good reason enough for me.