Re: mistakes, bugs or adaptation, a bit on fasting
I suspect you're a vata body type. It would handle a fast ok, because that body type doesn't do food that well either. My experience with an ex-husband vata and my sweetie kapha is we need to eat very differently.
They both love the lighter stuff like your salads, and avocados (yuck) but if I ate with them, and I usually did, they'd be fine for hours when I'd be hungry in around a half hour, like trying to live on chinese. And I tried for years to eat like either of them did and always had that hunger, so the habit theory is out for me. Sorry.
They eat a heavy steak and potato meal though, they'd be moaning for hours how their stomachs were feeling like they were full of lead. Me, I'd be completely satisfied for a couple hours. I've never really had that 'lead in the stomach' feeling, although as you grow older you tend to become more vata, and I've had a couple of times recently where I wasn't all that comfortable.
And I detest most vegetables and fruits. Even if they didn't just make me hungrier (which they do), I still don't like how they feel or taste. Some of that I'm sure are food aversions but eating as you do, I'd be truly hungry ALL the time. I've tried it. Back in my military days.
The DNA code type bugs would I suspect be more the type like being unable to process types of food that most everyone else can, or your ability to uptake some type of nutrient. Basic malfunctions of the operating system stuff.
A work around isn't a conscious choice I don't think. It might be that your body developed a way to compensate for a dysfunction interfering with it's ability to survive. Like an inability to get a needed nutrient. It finds a way to absorb at least a part of what you need thru some other method. For example, your liver loses it's ability to process a nutrient you need, and the body figures out some way to get the pancreas to process some of it instead, those sorts of things.
So it's kinda like the operating system adapting to using a hard drive to make up for the ram having a malfunction. But the software could also develop glitches very easily, but it seems again, it isn't a conscious process. It would be more like pulling up your text editing program which might be glitched, and your operating system uses elements from your paint program to compensate for the corrupted code in the text editor.
But no doubt it also developed some coping strategies like the exercise/physical activities trade off. Those would be the more conscious ones like a habit. Which is your conscious mind trying to adapt, but it's not a actual work around. It really more compensatiing.
And for sure, the glitches get passed down generation to generation, along with the glitches you develop too, if you develop them before child bearing age. Really it's amazing our bodies have managed to adapt for so long! And sure, a toxicity damaging the DNA for sure would get passed on, but it would have had to happen before the child was conceived.
Which is why things like weight issues run in families--the screwed up code preventing the health program from operating optimally gets duplicated in the new DNA and from day one, the set point will be higher for those folks, and it doesn't reset, because the body needs it there to ensure survival.
The folks who lose weight down past that set point and keep it off have found some way to trick their body into disregarding it somehow, I think. But I don't think it has much to do with will power or positive imagery or healthy eating. It seems more tricksy than that. Somehow they've conned their bodies into believing it doesn't need to protect itself. It's always felt dishonest to me, somehow. Long before I even knew about set points.
But the food being deficient so your body couldn't get enough of what it needs, even with it's craving mode on high, as a work around might try to find some way to keep your body functional without needing it any more, or find some way to substitute something else, kinda like that penny in the fuse box thing.
Luckily I'm finding EFT can and does fix the glitches of all sorts and hopefully that diagnostic program will start running automatically and I won't even need to tap for things like that any more.
I do think I've got my regeneration program back up, too. A large section on the right side of my hair is returning to brown (it was pure white before) and I don't have that turkey neck thing anymore either. Or the flappy skin on the backs of my arms. It was getting pretty flappy too. So *keeping fingers crossed* hopefully it will in time restore my body to that ideal human template that should have turned on about 25. I could hang with a 25 year old body again! :)