Re: my current assessment
Ed, but what do you think about Randy Clark, Bill Johnson, Heidi Baker, Rick Joyner, and all the other leaders of this movement promoting to the thousands and thousands that they are leading that the demonic Kundalini spirit just for example, is the Holy Spirit? What does God think of that I wonder? What does the Holy Spirit think of being mocked as the demonic kundalini spirit and this being taught to thousands and thousands? And I'm sure I'm way underplaying the number of people being lead by all this. It's probably more like millions when you consider the whole world being lead by this, not just the U.S. These people in fact constantly brag of how much more they are doing in the other countries even so much more than the U.S.
Also, what does the Holy Spirit think about his manifestations being portrayed as people leading other people around like animals, or punching young boys as hard as possible?
You can keep calling this the excesses all day long, but this stuff is all over youtube and all over the rest of the world being portrayed as real manifestations of the Holy Spirit. And Randy Clark loves it! He can't wait for more of it! And so does Bill Johnson, Heidi Baker, and the rest of them. They couldn't wait for Stacy Campbell to get up there and do her stuff. They cheered her on. They gave her a standing ovation. And just that one video I put up where Stacy Campbell and her demonic kundalini spirit are being celebrated by all these leaders and their audience, has over 14,000 hits.
But all this is really no big deal to you, just some bad thrown in with the good, no big deal. No big deal that millions probably are being lead by this and want to also experience the kundalini spirit because that's what they see as the Holy Spirit and they trust all these people leading them into this.
And you don't stand up against this stuff, except to say you just don't agree with it when you get backed into a corner with it. But you still endorse Randy Clark, etc. as someone people should go to for healing. You yourself said you went to one of his meetings. His supposed "gift of healing" is far more important to you than if he is leading people in truth or not. It doesn't matter if he celebrates the demonic kundalini spirit as the Holy Spirit and leads countless people to do the same. It's just important that he has the gift of healing supposedly from the same Holy Spirit that he mocks as a spirit of the devil.
Keep praying for that discernment. Sometimes God wants us to be persistent in prayer before he will give us what we are asking for.