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Tigerlily, wow. 

I was just "graduated" from my counseling therapy back at the end of March.  I'd been involved in intense therapy (2 sessions per week for 2 years) for a total of 3 years, and the one thing that was constant was a desire to just have someone wave their magic wand or give me the magic words to make me "okay."  Well, I've always been okay, but I didn't know it. 

So........yeah.........we may not ***like*** what we're hearing in our sessions.  We're not obligated to ***like*** it, but to just "accept" it.  Truth is often not warm and fuzzy.  Most often, "truth" is cold, hard, and seemingly mean.  But, when we separate the "feelings" from the "facts," the truth is simply what it is.  We get to that point of "acceptance" where we acknowledge that it is whatever it is, and that there is no bargaining, no negotiating, no coaxing, no begging, no pleading, no praying, and no wishing that will change the facts from what they are.  THAT is when recovery begins, in earnest.

You should feel very proud of yourself for taking this brave, courageous, and monumental step for yourself due your recovery and healing progress, you'll begin to see that your siblings are not as "perfect" as they always seemed to be, by any stretch of the imagination.  Although big sister seems to have it all together, you cannot ever know what her driving forces are.  None of your "successful" family members are without their own issues - if you experienced damages, you can bet that they did, too, and you simply happen to have a more sensitive personality.

This is all about you, Tigerlily, and the deeper you get into this process, the more you'll really get to know the sensitive, compassionate you as a human being, on her own two feet. 

GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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