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Re: Trauma, shame-core beliefs, and recovery
tigerlily23 Views: 3,014
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Re: Trauma, shame-core beliefs, and recovery

My gyno wanted me to see a sex therapist which they are way out of my price range so she suggested I use tampons as a dialator. I am not sure how to heal trauma I have seen/heard people doing different things to heal the trauma. Like I said I don't want this to overtake my sex life and I want to be in control of my own sex life which is why my gyno said I need to work on the mental part to be unblock.

I will have to check that book out. I am not even in a place to start healing yet. I agree I will tell this new therapist everything since I couldn't do it with the 1st therapist. I went to therapy for the 1st time for child abuse like emotional abuse not for the sexual abuse part. That ex-therapist put a lot of shame and guilt within me which I am still carrying that needs to go. I have seen some books on sex and guilt maybe should read those too. She tried to destroy everything that I had to say she was irate because she couldn't do anything with me as I used my own life experience to deflect her book knowledge as I didn't hear crap about life experience from her. Yep, basically a cat fight between her and I most of the time so unprofessional which I told her that and she lacks customer service skills.

I have a lot of shame and guilt from those who inflict it on me. I was thinking of calling a rape hot line not sure why I am hesitant on doing it since I am waiting for the clinic to call me back.


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