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Re: How's everyone's fasting coming along?
caa522 Views: 2,139
Published: 10 y
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Re: How's everyone's fasting coming along?

Wow you have lots of experience. Well, it sounds pretty scary to do 60 days with nothing but plain water. I tried that 5 days and my body literally felt like it was shutting down. So from my experience I really have to do things to help me along with the water fast. I don't think it hampers any beneficial effects of the fast but instead it allows me to stay in it longer feeling better and overall benefits are for the best. I also do coffee enemas and that throws my eloctrolytes/mineral balance off further. I have to add minerals or the muscle cramps and other symptoms are too unbearable to bear. Now I find each one knows their body best and what works for them. Here's what works for me:

I add FOOD grade diatomaceous earth 1 T. (1-2x a day)
good for the minerals and also shreds any parasites at least in the gut. (per my experience)
--Diatomaceous Earth is a natural occurring siliceous sedimentary mineral compound from microscopic skeletal remains of unicellular algae-like plants called diatoms. These plants have been part of the earth's ecology since prehistoric times. (minerals:Silicon Dioxide (SiO2) - 83.7%,
Aluminium Oxide (A12O3) - 5.6%,
Iron Oxide (Fe2O3) - 2.3%
Calcium Oxide (CaO) - 0.4%,
Magnesium Oxide (MgO) - 0.3%,
Other Oxides - 1.9%.
Analysis of Other Elements:
Copper - 2ppm, Strontium - 100ppm, Titanium - 1800ppm, Manganese - 200ppm.
Sodium - 2000ppm, Vanadium - 500ppm, Boron - 50ppm, Zirconium - 220ppm.

I add Fulvic-Humic mineral blend (3-4 drops) in water at least 2x a day.

I also do oral swish (like oil pulling) of Magnesium oil. Magnesium is best absorbed by body transdermally and orally is the quickest I know.

I also add half the juice of one organic lemon 1-2 times added into water.

So far this plan has worked for me and I'm now on Day 6 and it's the longest I've gone.

Now you have gone waaaaayy longer than I ever had so you are a pro but I thought I'd just share my 2 cents worth. =)



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