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Re: How's everyone's fasting coming along?
caa522 Views: 2,099
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Re: How's everyone's fasting coming along?

Happened to me with the first few attempts with Master Cleanse and also water fasting. The way I did it was always try to go farther with each fast. You know what you've been able to do already so you know it's possible to repeat it. But try to do a little more with each attempt. Whether it's a few more hours or days.

Keep trying and build on each accomplishment. You start to develop ways to deal with temptations or how to get past your low moments.

I have 4 kids and have to cook for them too. When I first started I couldn't cook at all and had to leave my house during dinner time. Then I got strong enough to eventually cook the meal but I wouldn't stick around when they ate. Sometimes though when feeling especially weak with my resistance I simply pass the responsibility off or buy take out.

You have many more chances to start over again. Try blogging. I felt like that helped me be more committed knowing someone else knows I'm doing it.

Good luck and God bless.


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