"I think many Christians would agree with you on that and I think that is just sad."
It's not sad to come the the truth of these things, because the truth is what sets us free. Saywhatagain, if I believed how you say it is, I would have committed suicide by now, no joke! Why? Because I have suffered a lot in my life, and I have fought major battles with my flesh. If I just thought all that was lack of faith and God was just punishing me because I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to conjure up more faith even when I didn't even feel like I had a lack of faith since I've always believed since becoming a christian that God is all powerful and desires nothing for me but what is for my good, well I'd be done. What keeps me going, is the truth, the truth that I'm in the battle just like every other christian, and it's a hard battle, but I am not alone and there is a great eternal reward awaiting me when the battle is over. How could I endure to the end, if I was enduring something I didn't even think I was suppose to be enduring?