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Re: Faith in God
saywhatagain Views: 1,856
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Re: Faith in God

If you read my posts, what I was writing about was mainly internal things, although I believe the scriptures that I referenced can also relate to external things but then it gets a little more tricky.

For me, it all comes down to surrendering to the will of God. If we surrender to the will of God, then our prayers will be in line with what God wants, instead of trying to put our human desires onto the will of God. When a surrendered servant of God prays, that prayer is in line with the will of God so they can say the prayer with authority. When we pray as a human, we try to put our human desires onto what God should want, this is the wrong way.

My point is that the type of existence that God wants for us is an existence of blissful worship, basking in His love. So when we pray to have that type of existence on the inside, not based on external comforts and enjoyments, that is a prayer that is always in line with the will of God.

As the scriptures that Vektek quoted state, to get to that place of glory in God, we must go through the trial by fire and suffering. I don't think that God wants us to be happy in our sinful state. If we are in sin, then we should suffer, otherwise no one would come to God but God wants us to overcome our sinful flesh and reside in a state of worshipful bliss in Him. That is what the sacrifice of Jesus is all about, overcoming the flesh and removing suffering. Not just in the next life but in this life. How does God expect us to bear His fruit, if we are walking around in internal anguish and misery? Are people going to be drawn to you asking how you achieved this great suffering in your life and how they can join you in your suffering? No, God wants you to be in complete joy and bliss in Him all the time, His love radiating through you to all others, even in circumstances that other people would call suffering, calling all people away from the suffering of sin and the flesh. Then they come to you and ask you how they can also be free of their prison of bondage to sin.

Everything that I am speaking about is all what happens on the inside and all the scriptures from the apostles saying that they rejoice in their suffering only supports everything that I am saying here. Because things that should cause suffering, no longer cause suffering because you only glory in Christ and nothing else remains. As far as external, those 'sufferings' may remain as long as you are in the world, you may have poverty, persecution, and whatnot but what is on the inside doesn't suffer when you abide in Christ because He is the end of all suffering.

I certainly do not agree with the phony healing and prayers for wealth of man. But I do think that God can manifest these prayers for external gifts as well, as long as we know that what we are praying for is the will of God. If we are trying to put our human will of the flesh onto God, certainly we will have no fruit of our prayers.


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