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Re: 11th day water fasting and suffering, need help
Hello Dear,
You certainly have electrolyte imbalance due to the countless vomiting episodes. If I was you I would try soaking my feet for 1/2 hrs-45 min in 3 liters (quarts) of water in much you have mixed 1 tsp salt (sea salt preferably) 1 tsp baking soda 1/2 tsp magnesium chloride or other magnesium salt and 1/2 tsp potassium chloride. If you lack many or some of the ingredients, you can replace them with sodium chloride ("table salt", even if they had put other enhancers in it) .. Soaking your whole body in the sea or ocean is best, but I presume it is inaccessible to you. If soaking doesn't bring relief, you'll have to try sipping 1-2 teaspoons of this mixture (a clean new one, not the one you soaked your feet in, ... kidding!) initially and if it feels good and helps you can go up to 2 liters a day. I now many "natural hygienist" would disagree with me, but , again you have ni supervision, and if you had one, most likely the doctor would have given you slats in water. I feel you can't venture now outside, or else need someone else to bring them to you. In your situation I would reserve at least 3 days to get my functioning back, i.e. I would start re-feeding at least 3 days before nay venture outside. Your body obviously detoxes intensely and you may need to proceed to clean out your fibroids through few shorter fasts than one longer, since you have no supervision and need to work on top of all.
If you can afford, try for 10 more days, try getting time off-work for 2 more weeks, to make up to 3 weeks of fast and 3 days re-feeding, and slow finish re-feeding while working. If you feel scared or extremely fatigued so that you can't go out of bed, obviously you can't work in that state.
Hope this helps. Keep us posted!
Happy fasting - you are doing wonders for your health!